專利名稱 鏟配件表面檢測及快速彩色記號標註裝置及方法
專利證書號 US8,111,405 B2
專利權人 國立虎尾科技大學
專利國家 美國,
發明人 覺文郁,???
應用領域 機械與機電自動化工程類
An automatic scan and mark apparatus has a machine tool, a location detection module, a laser detector, an ink jet and a control computer. The machine tool has a movable module and a stage. The stage mounts and holds a specimen having a scraped surface. The control computer controls the location detection module to determine a position of the movable module, controls the laser detector to detect a surface morphology of the scraped surface in a measurement range, and activates the ink jet to eject inks on high points of the scraped surface of the specimen. Thus, the surface morphology is built automatically and high points are screened out and marked by colored ink. Manufacturer may easily redo scraping of determined high points based on the marked location on the specimen without burdensome measurement.

聯絡人: 國立虎尾科技大學 產學合作處/智財組 王偉儒 與我連絡
地址: 632雲林縣虎尾鎮文化路64號 電話: 05-631-5561



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